Full Disclosure
I recently deleted lots of text from my home page. I wrote it in order to frame the art I've been doing, but then I felt uncomfortable with the disclosure, and also I keep having this strong sense that the work should speak for itself, but then I have an urge to give some background. I suppose they are two competing and contradictory urges!
I haven't actually done any painting or drawing for a while - been feeling a bit flat as I wait to hear about an upcoming operation I've got to have. Hey ho, its good to just let go for a while. I am however going to a weekend at Off the Rails Arthouse with the very lovely and supportive Fraser Taylor (beast from the east permitting). I haven't got anything in mind for it - perhaps that's good? I had a realisation recently that I don't want to think of the work I've been doing as a 'project' - its just life, and art. With all the recent critique of Creative Scotland, it seems fitting to realise I can jettison any jargon and just paint!